Class 10 Geography Chapter 1
1.What is economic geography? What is its main subject matter? Mention the important branches of Economic Geography.
Ans:- The branch of Geography in which the study of human activities associated with production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources is done in spatial and temporal context is known as Economic Geography.
The main subject matter of economic geography is to study the extent of diversity and prevalence of the variation in the elements such as natural and manmade environment.
The important branches of Economic Geography are - agricultural geography, industrial geography, resource geography, transport geography, geography of marketing, geography of planning and development, and geography of tourism.
2. Write in brief about the scope of Economic Geography.
Ans:- The distribution of economic activities of man and the factors and processes associated with it are mainly studied in Economic Geography. The scope of its study is mainly based on the under mentioned basic questions:
(i)Where is the economic activity located?
(ii)What are the characteristics of the economic activity?
(iii)To what other phenomenon is the economic activity related?
(iv)Why is the economic activity located where it is?
(v)Would it not be better if located elsewhere?
Among the above mentioned five questions, the traditional economic geography is associated with the first three. But the latter two questions have laid the foundation of the modern economic geography.
3. What do you mean by economic activities of man? What are such economic activities?
Ans:- The economic activities of man basically studies the relationship between man's productive activities and environmental conditions.
Such economic activities are of four types-primary occupation, secondary occupation, tertiary occupation, and quaternary occupation.
4. Write briefly about the subject matter of the important branches of Economic Geography.
Ans:- The subject matter of the important branches of Economic Geography are-
(i) Agricultural Geography: Here, factors associated with agricultural activity, types of agriculture, distribution and methods of agricultural activity, crop production, marketing of agricultural produces, etc are studied.
(ii) Industrial Geography: Economic and other factors associated with establishment of industry, production of industrial goods, marketing and export- import of industrial produces are studied here.
(iii) Geography of Resources: Types of resource, regional distribution of resources, conservation and management of resources, etc are studied here.
(iv) Transport Geography: Types of transport system and factors associated with it, role of transport and resource distribution, role of transport in movement and economic activities of man, role of transport system towards economic development, etc are studied here.
(v) Geography of Marketing: The need of establishing markets and associated factors, types and distribution of markets, etc are studied here.
(vi) Geography of Planning in Development: Factors associat9jned with economic development, planning strategies, sustainable development, regional and resource based development process, etc are studied here.
(vii) Geography of Tourism: Tourism and factors associated with its growth, types of tourism, development and planning process of tourism system, etc are studied here.
5. Why 'Resource Geography' is known as an important branch of Economic Geography?
Ans:- The development of a country is closely associated with the quality and the quantity of resources available in the country and their proper utilisation. Moreover the study of economic geography and all of its branches and sub branches is directly related to the geography of resources. Is in this context that Resource Geography is an important branch of economic geography.
6. What is meant by 'Resource'? Mention its main characteristics.
Ans:- All materials essential for human living are known as resources.
The main characteristic of resource are utility, functionality and dynamism.
7. 'Resource is Dynamic.'--- Explain.
Ans:- 'Resource is Dynamic' means resources are constantly changing and developing. Even though a commodity is not used by man today but the same may be used for human welfare in future. With the expansion of human knowledge and development of science and technology many neutral stuff which are in no way useful or harmful to human like coal, mineral oil, etc and resistances like flood, infertile soil, etc are getting transformed into resources through so human efforts. Due to such a dynamic attribute, a material of phenomena which is found to be useful may get transformed into resistance or neutral stuff. Overall it means that with change in society simultaneously change occurs in the concept of resource.
8. Briefly discuss about the necessities of resources with examples.
Ans:- All the materials essential for human living such as air, water, sun rays, soil, plants, fruits, minerals, etc found on earth are resources. Resources are necessary to fulfill human requirements. Apart from the resources derived from nature, many of the resources for example house, roads, industries, schools, offices, agro-farm equipments, vehicles, etc are produced by men with raw materials for their needs. Without the resources present in nature a living being cannot survive. That is why resource is important and necessary.
9.Write in brief about the relationship between resource and man.
Ans:- Man is the creator of resources. Some natural resources are used as raw materials in different industries by humans to convert them to man made resources. Such as paper from bamboo; cloth from cotton; different types of dyes, paints, synthetic cloth, plastic etc. It is due to human resource development despite scarcity of many natural resources and raw materials for industries, other countries like Japan, Switzerland, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, etc have been able to occupy a high position in respect of development in the world.
10. Briefly discuss about the relationship between resource and science technology.
Ans:- Humans collect resources from nature to convert it into usable forms of resources by applying different science technology. It is necessary to have adequate skill, education, technology and desire among men so as to make the natural resources useful to man. Different technologies are used in different industries to convert natural resources to man made resources, useful resources such as cloth from cotton, furniture from wood, paper from bamboo, rubber from trees ,etc. Leading industrial countries like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, etc. have been able to occupy a high position in respect of development in the world due to use of advanced science technology.
11. Write about classification of resources with examples.
Ans:- resources are classified in a number of ways into different groups, many of them are found to overlap with one another. Resources are classified into natural, manmade and human resources. For example- air, water, soil, plant etc. are natural resources; cloth, furniture, paper, dyes, paints etc are man made resources; and humans with adequate skills, technology, education etc. are human resources. Again resources are classified into biotic and abiotic resources. For example- plants, animals,fishes etc. are biotic resources and rock, water, air, minerals, coal etc are abiotic resources. Resources are also divided into renewable and non-renewable resources. For example- sunshine, air, water, plants are renewable resources and coal, mineral oil, natural gas etc. are non-renewable resources. And at last, resources are classified into individual, national and international resources. Land, household properties, good self attributes, etc. are individual resources; land, rivers, bridges, transport networks, wildlife sanctuaries, educational institutions are national resources; and national resources belonging to all the countries and the resources under the possesion of the whole world, such as oceans and seas with their mineral and biotic resources are together called International resources.
12. What is meant by natural resources? Write briefly with examples.
Ans:- The resources found in nature are known as natural resources. The resources, for example- sunshine, air, water, soil, plants, animals, minerals, rivers, etc. which after natural formation remains distributed on the earth are called natural resources. Natural resources are found in solid, liquid or gaseous states, and in metallic or non-metallic form.
13. What is man made resource? Write in brief about its use with examples.
Ans:- Many natural resources are used as raw materials by industries to produce new products. Mention may be made in this respect, for example- paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, furniture from wood, rubber from trees, etc. Such materials as produced through human efforts are known as man made resources.
14. What are the differences between renewable and non-renewable resources? Discuss briefly with examples.
Ans:- The resources which can be regenerated and do not get exhausted after use are known as renewable resources. While the resources which cannot be regenerated after use and get completely exhausted are known as non renewable resources. For example- resources like air, water, sunshine can be regenerated easily but resources like coal, mineral oil, etc. cannot be regenerated easily.
15. What is meant by 'Conservation of Resources'? What is its necessity?
Ans:- The concept or act of possible complete utilization of any resource without any destruction and misuse is known as conservation of resource.
It is necessary because many non-renewable and biotic resources are on the way to extinct. Many natural resources like mineral oil, coal etc. should be used in a proper way without any wastage so that it last long for human welfare. In case of soil conservation, we have to make use of plot of land for agriculture in such a way so that we continue to get good harvest of crops without depletion of soil fertility. Due to rapid increase of motor vehicles and industries and expansion of man's luxurious modern lifestyle the non-renewable energy resources like coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. are getting gradually vanished. In such a situation conservation and rational use of resources becomes important. Otherwise, it would become difficult for sustenance of human and its civilization on this earth.
16. Write in brief about the methods of resource conservation.
Ans:- The methods for successful implementation of resource conservation are-
(i) Discovery and search for alternative resources:
It becomes necessary to carry out required research and survey for exploring possible source of alternative resource even when the production of any highly used resource goes on.
(ii) Recycling:
In order to reduce the use of raw materials with limited reserved usage, disposed garbages can be reused through the process of recycling.
(iii) Innovation:
Necessary study and research are to be undertaken to develop innovation in converting the resources collected from the nature into usable forms.
(iv) Waste control:
Considerable amount of resources can be conserved if adequate measures are taken to check production of waste materials through their recycling and reuse with converting raw materials to useful resources.
(v) Expansion of Knowledge and Education:
For proper management of production in use of resources, expansion of knowledge and education is highly essential.
(vi) Assessment of future requirements of resources:
It is highly essential to determine the future requirement of the resources due to the extent of present use of a resource and growth rate of population.
There are many m
ore conservation methods which helps in the proper execution of resources by well considered and well planned program.
17. Write in brief about the organizations associated with resource conservation and their role.
Ans:- Due to the necessity of resource conservation many organization associated with it have erected.
IUCN( International Union for Conservation of Nature) is one of the organization associated with resource conservation under the United Nations Organization. The main objective of this organization is to carry out study and research on conservation of global natural environment and natural resources including biodiversity and to take appropriate measures. Again organizations like WWF( Worldwide Fund) for nature and World Conservation monitoring centre have been working at international and national levels for conservation of some specific animal and plant species and the natural environment. A ministry of environmental forests in climate change has been formed at government level in India. Under this ministry an autonomous institute named Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education is formed. And again many non government organizations have also formed for the conservation purposes of resources. Such as organizations like Centre for Science and Environment Greenpeace India, Wildlife Trust of India, etc. are the non governmental organizations working for protection of the environment.
18. Write short notes:
(a) Resource
Ans: All the materials necessary for human living are called resources. As air, water, sunshine, soil, plants, animals, fruits, minerals, etc. are all useful to men, these are all resources.
(b) Human Resource
Ans: It is necessary to have adequate skill, education, technology and desire among men so as to make the natural resources useful to man. It is because of these attributes, population is known as human resource.
(c) Wealth
Ans: According to the principle of Economics, the materials which have value in exchange are called wealth. All wealth are resources, but all resources may not be wealth. Wealth may have both utility and harmful effects.
(d) Renewable Resource
Ans: The resources which can be kept unexhausted after use through the process of regeneration are called renewable or inexhaustible resources. These resources are originate very easily on the earth.
(e) Personal Resource
Ans: The things in possession of individual man, such as land, household properties and good self attributes like good character, education, working skill, etc. are known as individual or personal resources.
(f) National Resource
Ans: All the resources under the responsibility or position of a country, such as transport networks, land, rivers, bridges, wildlife sanctuaries, plants and animals present in forest, educational institutions, administrative systems, government, etc. are called National resources.
(g) Biotic Resource
Ans: According to physical structure or composition the resources which have life are called biotic resources. The plants, animals, fishes, crops, are biotic resources.
(h) Resource Conservation
Ans: The concept or act of possible completely utilization of any resource without any destruction and misuse is known as conservation of resources. Resource conservation does not mean preservation of resources without any use. It means that we have to collect and use the necessary resources from the nature in such a way so that we all continue to get benefit from these for a long time.
(i) Resource Recycling
Ans: In order to reduce the use of raw materials with limited reserve usable disposed garbages can be reused through the process of recycling. Recycling of some usable waste materials helps conservation of resources as by recycling old polythene bags, plastic bottle, paper etc. the use of raw materials for such products can be reduced to some extent.
(j) IUCN
Ans: IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature) was formed in 1948 under the UNO. The main objective of this organization is to carry out study and research on conservation of global natural environment and natural resources including biodiversity and to make appropriate measures.
19. Write the differences between:
(a) Resource and Wealth
Ans: All materials essential for human living are known as Resources. The air, water, sunrays, soil, plants, fruits, minerals, etc. found on the earth are all essential to man. Hence, these are all resources. These resources are collected by man mainly from the nature through various means According to the principle of Economics, the materials which have value in exchange are called wealth Notably, besides usefulness, the supply of wealth is relatively limited and it can be transferred from one individual to another through money or value. Eg. land, house, share etc.
(b) Economic Geography and Resource Geography
Ans: The branch of Geography in which the study of human activities associated with production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources is done in spatial and temporal contexts is known as Economic Geography. On the other hand, in Resource Geography, types of resource, regional distribution of resources, the factors associated with exploration and production of resources, relationship between resource and development, conservation and management of resources, etc. are studied.
(c) Resource and Neutral Stuff
Ans: All materials essential for human living are known as Resources. Eg., the air, water, sunrays, soil, plants, fruits, minerals, etc found on the earth are all essential to man. Whereas, materials found on the earth, which are in no way useful or harmful to man are known as Neutral Stuff. For instance, until man did not learn about the use of coal or mineral oil in generation of power, they were simply Neutral Stuffs.
(d) Biotic and Abiotic Resource
Ans: According to physical structure or composition the resources which have life are called Biotic Resources. Eg, plants, animals, fishes, crops, etc. are biotic resources. On the other hand, those resources which don't have life are called Abiotic Resources. Eg., soil, rock, water, air, minerals, coal, etc. are abiotic resources.
(e) Renewable and Non-Renewable Resource
Ans: The resources which can be kept unexhausted after use through the process of regeneration are called Renewable or Inexhaustible Resources. Eg , sunshine, air, water, plants, animals, human beings, crops, etc are renewable resources. On the other hand, the resources which cannot be regenerated after use and get completely exhausted are called Non-Renewable or Exhaustible Nonrenewable resource Resources. For example, coal, mineral oil, minerals. Once used, such resources get exhausted forever.
(f) Personal resource and National resource
Ans: The things in possession of individual man - such as land, household properties and good self attributes, e.g. good character, education, working skill, etc are known as Individual or Personal Resources. All the resources under the responsibility or possession of a country, such as transport networks, land, rivers, bridges, wildlife sanctuaries, plants and animals present in forests, educational institutions, administrative systems, government, etc are called National Resources.
(g) Man-made Resource and Human Resource
Ans: Materials as produced through human efforts are known as man-made resources. It is necessary to have adequate skill, education, technology and desire among men so as to make the natural resources useful to man. Example, paper from bamboo, cloth from cotton, different types of dyes, paint etc. It is necessary to have adequate skill, education, technology and desire among men so as to make the natural resources useful to man. It is because of these attributes, population is known as human resource.
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